Biafra Liberation Movement


Biafra Eagle








































Biafra Eagle





















































Biafra Flag Pole

 Flag of Biafra in Wave






Biafra Liberation Movement








Biafra Flag Pole

Flag of Biafra in Gentle Wave



































































BLM: The Tip of the Biafran Spear

























































































































































































































































































































About BLM
BLM is a global organization focused on reconstituting the Biafran State and helping Biafrans the world over reach their natural potential in commerce, knowledge, and leadership. BLM maintains that a world class Biafran civilization can be a force for good in the world. To support BLM's activities, join the organization, or request media interviews, please contact the following:

















































































Enter the BLM Forum @ Biafra Net (BLM members only)

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Voice of Biafra | Biafra World | Biafra Online | Biafra Web | BISS | Biafra Forum | BLM | Biafra Consortium